Source code for speasy.webservices.amda.utils

"""AMDA_Webservice utility functions. This module defines some conversion functions specific to AMDA_Webservice, mainly
conversion procedures for parsing CSV and VOTable data.

import datetime
import logging
import os
import re
import tempfile
from typing import Dict, List

import numpy as np
import pandas as pds
from speasy.config import amda as amda_cfg
from speasy.core import epoch_to_datetime64
from speasy.core.any_files import any_loc_open
from speasy.core.datetime_range import DateTimeRange
from speasy.products.catalog import Catalog, Event
from speasy.products.timetable import TimeTable
from speasy.products.variable import (DataContainer, SpeasyVariable,
                                      VariableAxis, VariableTimeAxis)

log = logging.getLogger(__name__)

DATA_CHUNK_SIZE = 10485760

_parameters_header_blocks_regex = re.compile(
    f"(# *PARAMETER_ID : ([^{os.linesep}]+){os.linesep}(# *[A-Z_]+ : [^{os.linesep}]+{os.linesep})+)+")

def _parse_header(fd, expected_parameter: str):
    line = fd.readline().decode()
    header = ""
    meta = {}
    while len(line) and line[0] == '#':
        header += line
        if ':' in line:
            key, value = [v.strip() for v in line[1:].split(':', 1)]
            if key not in meta:
                meta[key] = value
        line = fd.readline().decode()
    parameters_header_blocks = _parameters_header_blocks_regex.findall(header)
    for block in parameters_header_blocks:
        if block[1] == expected_parameter:
            for line in block[0].split('\n'):
                if ':' in line:
                    key, value = [v.strip() for v in line[1:].split(':', 1)]
                    meta[key] = value
    return meta

[docs] def load_csv(filename: str, expected_parameter: str) -> SpeasyVariable: """Load a CSV file Parameters ---------- filename: str CSV filename Returns ------- SpeasyVariable CSV contents """ with any_loc_open(filename, mode='rb') as csv: with tempfile.TemporaryFile() as fd: # _copy_data(csv, fd) fd.write( line = fd.readline().decode() meta = {} y = None y_label = None meta = _parse_header(fd, expected_parameter) columns = [col.strip() for col in meta.get('DATA_COLUMNS', "").split(', ')[:]] meta["UNITS"] = meta.get("PARAMETER_UNITS") data = pds.read_csv(fd, comment='#', delim_whitespace=True, header=None, names=columns).values.transpose() time, data = epoch_to_datetime64(data[0]), data[1:].transpose() if "PARAMETER_TABLE_MIN_VALUES[1]" in meta: min_v = np.array( [float(v) for v in meta["PARAMETER_TABLE_MIN_VALUES[1]"].split(',')]) max_v = np.array( [float(v) for v in meta["PARAMETER_TABLE_MAX_VALUES[1]"].split(',')]) y_label = meta["PARAMETER_TABLE[1]"] y = (max_v + min_v) / 2. elif "PARAMETER_TABLE_MIN_VALUES[0]" in meta: min_v = np.array( [float(v) for v in meta["PARAMETER_TABLE_MIN_VALUES[0]"].split(',')]) max_v = np.array( [float(v) for v in meta["PARAMETER_TABLE_MAX_VALUES[0]"].split(',')]) y = (max_v + min_v) / 2. y_label = meta["PARAMETER_TABLE[0]"] time_axis = VariableTimeAxis(values=time) if y is None: axes = [time_axis] else: axes = [time_axis, VariableAxis( name=y_label, values=y, is_time_dependent=False)] return SpeasyVariable( axes=axes, values=DataContainer(values=data, meta=meta), columns=columns[1:])
def _build_event(data, colnames: List[str]) -> Event: return Event(datetime.datetime.strptime(data[0], "%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S.%f"), datetime.datetime.strptime(data[1], "%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S.%f"), {name: value for name, value in zip(colnames[2:], data[2:])})
[docs] def load_timetable(filename: str) -> TimeTable: """Load a timetable file Parameters ---------- filename: str filename Returns ------- TimeTable File content loaded as TimeTable """ if '://' not in filename: filename = f"file://{os.path.abspath(filename)}" with any_loc_open(filename) as votable: # save the timetable as a dataframe, speasy.common.SpeasyVariable # get header data first from import parse as parse_votable votable = parse_votable(votable) name = next(filter(lambda e: 'Name' in e, votable.description.split(';\n'))).split(':')[-1] # convert astropy votable structure to SpeasyVariable tab = votable.get_first_table() # prepare data data = tab.array.tolist() dt_ranges = [DateTimeRange(datetime.datetime.strptime(t0, "%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S.%f"), datetime.datetime.strptime(t1, "%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S.%f")) for (t0, t1) in data] var = TimeTable(name=name, meta={}, dt_ranges=dt_ranges) return var
[docs] def load_catalog(filename: str) -> Catalog: """Load a timetable file Parameters ---------- filename: str filename Returns ------- Catalog File content loaded as Catalog """ if '://' not in filename: filename = f"file://{os.path.abspath(filename)}" with any_loc_open(filename) as votable: # save the timetable as a dataframe, speasy.common.SpeasyVariable # get header data first from import parse as parse_votable votable = parse_votable(votable) # convert astropy votable structure to SpeasyVariable tab = votable.get_first_table() name = next(filter(lambda e: 'Name' in e, votable.description.split(';\n'))).split(':')[-1] colnames = list(map(lambda f:, tab.fields)) data = tab.array.tolist() events = [_build_event(line, colnames) for line in data] var = Catalog(name=name, meta={}, events=events) return var
[docs] def get_parameter_args(start_time: datetime, stop_time: datetime, product: str, **kwargs) -> Dict: """Get parameter arguments Parameters ---------- start_time: datetime parameter start time stop_time: datetime parameter stop time product: str product ID (xmlid) Returns ------- dict parameter arguments in dictionary """ return {'path': f"amda/{product}", 'start_time': f'{start_time.isoformat()}', 'stop_time': f'{stop_time.isoformat()}', 'output_format': kwargs.get('output_format', amda_cfg.output_format.get())}