Source code for


import logging
from datetime import datetime
from enum import Enum
from typing import Dict, List, Optional, Union

from ._impl import is_private, is_public
from .inventory import to_xmlid
from .utils import get_parameter_args
from ...config import amda as amda_cfg
from ...core import AllowedKwargs, make_utc_datetime
from ...core.http import is_server_up
from ...core.cache import CACHE_ALLOWED_KWARGS, Cacheable, CacheCall
from ...core.dataprovider import (GET_DATA_ALLOWED_KWARGS, DataProvider,
from ...core.datetime_range import DateTimeRange
from ...core.inventory.indexes import (CatalogIndex, ComponentIndex,
                                       DatasetIndex, ParameterIndex,
                                       SpeasyIndex, TimetableIndex)
from ...core.proxy import PROXY_ALLOWED_KWARGS, GetProduct, Proxyfiable
from ...products.catalog import Catalog
from ...products.dataset import Dataset
from ...products.timetable import TimeTable
from ...products.variable import SpeasyVariable

log = logging.getLogger(__name__)

def _amda_cache_entry_name(prefix: str, product: str, start_time: str, **kwargs):
    output_format: str = kwargs.get('output_format', 'csv')
    if output_format.lower() == 'cdf_istp':
        return f"{prefix}/{product}-cdf_istp/{start_time}"
        return f"{prefix}/{product}/{start_time}"

[docs] class ProductType(Enum): """Enumeration of the type of products available in AMDA_Webservice. """ UNKNOWN = 0 DATASET = 1 PARAMETER = 2 COMPONENT = 3 TIMETABLE = 4 CATALOG = 5
def _is_user_prod(product_id: str or SpeasyIndex, collection: Dict): xmlid = to_xmlid(product_id) if xmlid in collection: return is_private(collection[xmlid]) return False
[docs] class AMDA_Webservice(DataProvider): __datetime_format__ = "%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S.%f" """AMDA_Webservice connexion class. This class manages the connexion to AMDA_Webservice. Use the :meth:`get_data` or :meth:`get_parameter` methods for retrieving data. Methods ------- is_server_up: Check if AMDA Webservice is up. product_version: Get date of last modification of dataset or parameter. get_data: Get product data by id get_user_parameter: Get user parameter. Raises an exception if user is not authenticated. get_user_timetable: get_user_catalog: get_parameter: Get parameter data by id. get_dataset: Get dataset contents. Returns list of SpeasyVariable objects, one for each parameter in the dataset. get_timetable: Get timetable data by ID. get_catalog: Retrieve catalog from given ID. parameter_range: Get product time range. list_parameters: Get the list of parameter indexes available in AMDA_Webservice. list_catalogs: Get the list of public catalog IDs. list_user_timetables: list_user_catalogs: list_user_parameters: list_timetables: list_datasets: Notes ----- Do not create an instance of this class unless you really know what you are doing, use `speasy.amda` instance instead. """ def __init__(self, server_url: str = amda_cfg.entry_point()): from ._impl import AmdaImpl self._impl = AmdaImpl(server_url=server_url) DataProvider.__init__(self, provider_name='amda') def __del__(self): pass
[docs] @staticmethod def is_server_up(server_url: str = amda_cfg.entry_point()) -> bool: """Check if AMDA Webservice is up by sending a dummy request to the AMDA Webservice URL with a short timeout. Parameters ---------- server_url: str AMDA Webservice URL, default is Returns ------- bool True if AMDA Webservice is up, False otherwise. """ from ._impl import AmdaImpl return AmdaImpl.is_server_up(server_url=server_url)
[docs] def build_inventory(self, root: SpeasyIndex): return self._impl.build_inventory(root)
[docs] def build_private_inventory(self, root: SpeasyIndex): return self._impl.build_private_inventory(root)
[docs] def is_user_catalog(self, catalog_id: str or CatalogIndex): return _is_user_prod(catalog_id, self.flat_inventory.catalogs)
[docs] def is_user_timetable(self, timetable_id: str or TimetableIndex): return _is_user_prod(timetable_id, self.flat_inventory.timetables)
[docs] def is_user_parameter(self, parameter_id: str or ParameterIndex): return _is_user_prod(parameter_id, self.flat_inventory.parameters)
[docs] def has_time_restriction(self, product_id: str or SpeasyIndex, start_time: str or datetime, stop_time: str or datetime): """Check if product is restricted for a given time range. Parameters ---------- product_id: str or SpeasyIndex product id start_time: str or datetime desired data start time stop_time: str or datetime desired data stop time Returns ------- bool True if product is restricted for the given time range, False otherwise. """ dataset = self._find_parent_dataset(product_id) if dataset: dataset = self.flat_inventory.datasets[dataset] if hasattr(dataset, 'timeRestriction'): lower = make_utc_datetime(dataset.timeRestriction) upper = make_utc_datetime(dataset.stop_date) if lower < upper: return DateTimeRange(lower, upper).intersect( DateTimeRange(start_time, stop_time)) return False
[docs] def product_version(self, parameter_id: str or ParameterIndex): """Get date of last modification of dataset or parameter. Parameters ---------- parameter_id: str or AMDAParameterIndex parameter id Returns ------- str product version """ dataset = self._find_parent_dataset(parameter_id) return self.flat_inventory.datasets[dataset].lastUpdate
[docs] def parameter_range(self, parameter_id: str or ParameterIndex) -> Optional[DateTimeRange]: """Get product time range. Parameters ---------- parameter_id: str or ParameterIndex parameter id Returns ------- Optional[DateTimeRange] Data time range Examples -------- >>> import speasy as spz >>> spz.amda.parameter_range("imf") <DateTimeRange: 1997-09-02T00:00:12+00:00 -> ...> """ return self._parameter_range(parameter_id)
[docs] def dataset_range(self, dataset_id: str or DatasetIndex) -> Optional[DateTimeRange]: """Get product time range. Parameters ---------- dataset_id: str or DatasetIndex parameter id Returns ------- Optional[DateTimeRange] Data time range Examples -------- >>> import speasy as spz >>> spz.amda.dataset_range("ace-imf-all") <DateTimeRange: 1997-09-02T00:00:12+00:00 -> ...> """ return self._dataset_range(dataset_id)
[docs] def get_data(self, product, start_time=None, stop_time=None, **kwargs) -> Optional[Union[SpeasyVariable, TimeTable, Catalog, Dataset]]: """Get product data by id. Parameters ---------- product: str or AMDAIndex product id start_time: str or datetime.datetime desired data start time stop_time: str datetime.datetime desired data stop time Returns ------- Optional[Union[SpeasyVariable, TimeTable, Catalog, Dataset]] product data if available Examples -------- >>> import speasy as spz >>> imf_data = spz.amda.get_data("imf", "2019-02-24T19:20:05", "2019-02-25") >>> print(imf_data.columns) ['imf[0]', 'imf[1]', 'imf[2]'] >>> print(imf_data.values.shape) (1050, 3) """ product_t = self.product_type(product) if product_t == ProductType.DATASET and start_time and stop_time: return self.get_dataset(dataset_id=product, start=start_time, stop=stop_time, **kwargs) if product_t == ProductType.PARAMETER and start_time and stop_time: if self.is_user_parameter(product): return self.get_user_parameter(parameter_id=product, start_time=start_time, stop_time=stop_time, **kwargs) else: return self.get_parameter(product=product, start_time=start_time, stop_time=stop_time, **kwargs) if product_t == ProductType.CATALOG: if self.is_user_catalog(product): return self.get_user_catalog(catalog_id=product, **kwargs) else: return self.get_catalog(catalog_id=product, **kwargs) if product_t == ProductType.TIMETABLE: if self.is_user_timetable(product): return self.get_user_timetable(timetable_id=product, **kwargs) else: return self.get_timetable(timetable_id=product, **kwargs) raise ValueError(f"Unknown product: {product}")
[docs] def get_user_parameter(self, parameter_id: str or ParameterIndex, start_time: datetime or str, stop_time: datetime or str) -> Optional[SpeasyVariable]: """Get user parameter. Raises an exception if user is not authenticated. Parameters ---------- parameter_id: str or AMDAParameterIndex parameter id start_time: datetime or str begining of data time stop_time: datetime or str end of data time Returns ------- Optional[SpeasyVariable] user parameter Examples -------- >>> import speasy as spz >>> user_param = spz.amda.get_user_parameter("ws_0", "2019-02-24T19:20:05", "2019-02-25") # doctest: +SKIP >>> print(user_param.columns) # doctest: +SKIP ['ws_test_param'] >>> print(user_param.values.shape) # doctest: +SKIP (2, 1) Warnings -------- Calling :meth:`~speasy.amda.amda.AMDA_Webservice.get_user_parameter` without having defined AMDA_Webservice login credentials will result in a :class:`~speasy.config.exceptions.UndefinedConfigEntry` exception being raised. """ parameter_id = to_xmlid(parameter_id) start_time, stop_time = make_utc_datetime(start_time), make_utc_datetime(stop_time) return self._impl.dl_user_parameter(parameter_id=parameter_id, start_time=start_time, stop_time=stop_time)
[docs] @CacheCall(cache_retention=amda_cfg.user_cache_retention()) def get_user_timetable(self, timetable_id: str or TimetableIndex) -> Optional[TimeTable]: """Get user timetable. Raises an exception if user is not authenticated. Parameters ---------- timetable_id: str timetable id Returns ------- Optional[TimeTable] user timetable Examples -------- >>> import speasy as spz >>> spz.amda.get_user_timetable("tt_0") # doctest: +SKIP <TimeTable: test_alexis> Warnings -------- Calling :meth:`~speasy.amda.amda.AMDA_Webservice.get_user_timetable` without having defined AMDA_Webservice login credentials will result in a :class:`~speasy.config.exceptions.UndefinedConfigEntry` exception being raised. """ timetable_id = to_xmlid(timetable_id) return self._impl.dl_user_timetable(timetable_id=timetable_id)
[docs] @CacheCall(cache_retention=amda_cfg.user_cache_retention()) def get_user_catalog(self, catalog_id: str or CatalogIndex) -> Optional[Catalog]: """Get user catalog. Raises an exception if user is not authenticated. Parameters ---------- catalog_id: str or AMDACatalogIndex catalog id Returns ------- Optional[Catalog] user catalog Examples -------- >>> import speasy as spz >>> spz.amda.get_user_catalog("tt_0") # doctest: +SKIP <Catalog: test_alexis> Warnings -------- Calling :meth:`~speasy.amda.amda.AMDA_Webservice.get_user_catalog` without having defined AMDA_Webservice login credentials will result in a :class:`~speasy.config.exceptions.UndefinedConfigEntry` exception being raised. """ catalog_id = to_xmlid(catalog_id) return self._impl.dl_user_catalog(catalog_id=catalog_id)
[docs] def get_parameter(self, product, start_time, stop_time, extra_http_headers: Dict or None = None, output_format: str or None = None, **kwargs) -> Optional[ SpeasyVariable]: if self.has_time_restriction(product, start_time, stop_time): kwargs['disable_proxy'] = True kwargs['restricted_period'] = True return self._get_parameter(product, start_time, stop_time, extra_http_headers=extra_http_headers, output_format=output_format or amda_cfg.output_format(), **kwargs) else: return self._get_parameter(product, start_time, stop_time, extra_http_headers=extra_http_headers, output_format=output_format or amda_cfg.output_format(), **kwargs)
@AllowedKwargs( PROXY_ALLOWED_KWARGS + CACHE_ALLOWED_KWARGS + GET_DATA_ALLOWED_KWARGS + ['output_format', 'restricted_period']) @ParameterRangeCheck() @Cacheable(prefix="amda", version=product_version, fragment_hours=lambda x: 12, entry_name=_amda_cache_entry_name) @Proxyfiable(GetProduct, get_parameter_args) def _get_parameter(self, product, start_time, stop_time, extra_http_headers: Dict or None = None, output_format: str or None = None, restricted_period=False, **kwargs) -> \ Optional[ SpeasyVariable]: """Get parameter data. Parameters ---------- product: str or AMDAParameterIndex parameter id start_time: desired data start time stop_time: desired data stop time extra_http_headers: dict reserved for internal use output_format: str request output format in case of success, allowed values are ASCII and CDF_ISTP Returns ------- Optional[SpeasyVariable] product data if available Examples -------- >>> import speasy as spz >>> import datetime >>> imf_data = spz.amda.get_parameter("imf", "2018-01-01", "2018-01-01T01") >>> print(imf_data.columns) ['imf[0]', 'imf[1]', 'imf[2]'] >>> print(imf_data.values.shape) (225, 3) """ log.debug(f'Get data: product = {product}, data start time = {start_time}, data stop time = {stop_time}') return self._impl.dl_parameter(start_time=start_time, stop_time=stop_time, parameter_id=product, extra_http_headers=extra_http_headers, output_format=output_format, restricted_period=restricted_period)
[docs] def get_dataset(self, dataset_id: str or DatasetIndex, start: str or datetime, stop: str or datetime, **kwargs) -> Dataset or None: """Get dataset contents. Returns list of SpeasyVariable objects, one for each parameter in the dataset. Parameters ---------- dataset_id: str or AMDADatasetIndex dataset id start: str or datetime desired data start stop: str or datetime desired data end Returns ------- Dataset or None dataset content as a collection of SpeasyVariable if it succeeds or None Examples -------- >>> import speasy as spz >>> import datetime >>> dataset = spz.amda.get_dataset("ace-imf-all", datetime.datetime(2000,1,1), datetime.datetime(2000,1,2)) >>> dataset <Dataset: final / prelim variables: ['|b|', 'b_gse', 'b_gsm'] time range: <DateTimeRange: 2000-01-01T00:00:11 -> 2000-01-01T23:59:55> """ ds_range = self.dataset_range(dataset_id) if not ds_range.intersect(DateTimeRange(start, stop)): log.warning(f"You are requesting {dataset_id} outside of its definition range {ds_range}") return None dataset_id = to_xmlid(dataset_id) name = self.flat_inventory.datasets[dataset_id].name meta = {k: v for k, v in self.flat_inventory.datasets[dataset_id].__dict__.items() if not isinstance(v, SpeasyIndex)} parameters = self.list_parameters(dataset_id) return Dataset(name=name, variables={ self.get_parameter(p, start, stop, **kwargs) for p in parameters}, meta=meta)
[docs] @CacheCall(cache_retention=amda_cfg.user_cache_retention()) def get_timetable(self, timetable_id: str or TimetableIndex, **kwargs) -> Optional[TimeTable]: """Get timetable data by ID. Parameters ---------- timetable_id: str or TimetableIndex time table id Returns ------- Optional[TimeTable] timetable data Examples -------- >>> import speasy as spz >>> spz.amda.get_timetable("sharedtimeTable_0") <TimeTable: FTE_c1> """ return self._impl.dl_timetable(to_xmlid(timetable_id), **kwargs)
[docs] @CacheCall(cache_retention=amda_cfg.user_cache_retention()) def get_catalog(self, catalog_id: str or CatalogIndex, **kwargs) -> Optional[Catalog]: """Get catalog data by ID. Parameters ---------- catalog_id: str or AMDACatalogIndex catalog id Returns ------- Optional[Catalog] catalog data Examples -------- >>> import speasy as spz >>> spz.amda.get_catalog("sharedcatalog_22") <Catalog: model_regions_plasmas_mms_2019> """ return self._impl.dl_catalog(to_xmlid(catalog_id), **kwargs)
[docs] def list_parameters(self, dataset_id: Optional[str or DatasetIndex] = None) -> List[ParameterIndex]: """Get the list of parameter indexes available in AMDA or a given dataset Parameters ---------- dataset_id: Optional[str or AMDADatasetIndex] optional parent dataset id Returns ------- List[AMDAParameterIndex] the list of parameter indexes Examples -------- >>> import speasy as spz >>> amda_parameters = spz.amda.list_parameters() >>> len(amda_parameters) > 0 True >>> amda_parameters[0] <ParameterIndex: ...> """ if dataset_id is not None: return list(self.flat_inventory.datasets[to_xmlid(dataset_id)]) return list(filter(is_public, self.flat_inventory.parameters.values()))
[docs] def list_catalogs(self) -> List[CatalogIndex]: """Get the list of public catalog IDs: Returns ------- List[AMDACatalogIndex] list of catalog IDs Examples -------- >>> import speasy as spz >>> amda_catalogs = spz.amda.list_catalogs() >>> len(amda_catalogs) > 0 True >>> amda_catalogs[0] <CatalogIndex: model_regions_plasmas_mms_2019> """ return list(filter(is_public, self.flat_inventory.catalogs.values()))
[docs] def list_user_timetables(self) -> List[TimetableIndex]: """Get the list of user timetables. User timetable are represented as dictionary objects. Returns ------- List[AMDATimetableIndex] list of user timetables. Examples -------- >>> import speasy as spz >>> spz.amda.list_user_timetables() # doctest: +SKIP [<TimetableIndex: test_alexis>, <TimetableIndex: test_alexis2>, <TimetableIndex: tt3>] Warnings -------- Calling :meth:`~speasy.amda.amda.AMDA_Webservice.get_user_timetables` without having defined AMDA_Webservice login credentials will result in a :class:`~speasy.config.exceptions.UndefinedConfigEntry` exception being raised. """ # get list of private parameters return list(filter(is_private, self.flat_inventory.timetables.values()))
[docs] def list_user_catalogs(self) -> List[CatalogIndex]: """Get the list of user catalogs. User catalogs are represented as dictionary objects. Returns ------- List[AMDACatalogIndex] list of user catalogs. Examples -------- >>> import speasy as spz >>> spz.amda.list_user_catalogs() # doctest: +SKIP [<CatalogIndex: MyCatalog>] Warnings -------- Calling :meth:`~speasy.amda.amda.AMDA_Webservice.get_user_catalogs` without having defined AMDA_Webservice login credentials will result in a :class:`~speasy.config.exceptions.UndefinedConfigEntry` exception being raised. """ # get list of private parameters return list(filter(is_private, self.flat_inventory.catalogs.values()))
[docs] def list_user_parameters(self) -> List[ParameterIndex]: """Get the list of user parameters. User parameters are represented as dictionary objects. Returns ------- List[AMDAParameterIndex] list of user parameters Examples -------- >>> import speasy as spz >>> spz.amda.list_user_parameters() # doctest: +SKIP [<ParameterIndex: test_param>] Warnings -------- Calling :meth:`~speasy.amda.amda.AMDA_Webservice.get_user_parameter` without having defined AMDA_Webservice login credentials will result in a :class:`~speasy.config.exceptions.UndefinedConfigEntry` exception being raised. """ # get list of private parameters return list(filter(is_private, self.flat_inventory.parameters.values()))
[docs] def list_timetables(self) -> List[TimetableIndex]: """Get list of public timetables. Returns ------- List[AMDATimetableIndex] list of timetable IDs. Examples -------- >>> import speasy as spz >>> spz.amda.list_timetables()[::50] [<TimetableIndex: ...>, <TimetableIndex: ...>, <TimetableIndex: ...>] """ return list(filter(is_public, self.flat_inventory.timetables.values()))
[docs] def list_datasets(self) -> List[DatasetIndex]: """Get the list of dataset id available in AMDA_Webservice Returns ------- List[AMDADatasetIndex] list if dataset ids Examples -------- >>> import speasy as spz >>> amda_datasets = spz.amda.list_datasets() >>> len(amda_datasets) > 0 True >>> amda_datasets[0] <DatasetIndex: ...> >>> amda_datasets[0].desc '...' """ return list(filter(is_public, self.flat_inventory.datasets.values()))
def _find_parent_dataset(self, product_id: str or DatasetIndex or ParameterIndex or ComponentIndex) -> Optional[ str]: product_id = to_xmlid(product_id) product_type = self.product_type(product_id) if product_type is ProductType.DATASET: return product_id elif product_type in (ProductType.COMPONENT, ProductType.PARAMETER): for dataset in self.flat_inventory.datasets.values(): if product_id in dataset: return to_xmlid(dataset)
[docs] def product_type(self, product_id: str or SpeasyIndex) -> ProductType: """Returns product type for any known ADMA product from its index or ID. Parameters ---------- product_id: str or AMDAIndex product id Returns ------- ProductType Type of product IE ProductType.DATASET, ProductType.TIMETABLE, ... Examples -------- >>> import speasy as spz >>> spz.amda.product_type("imf") <ProductType.PARAMETER: 2> >>> spz.amda.product_type("ace-imf-all") <ProductType.DATASET: 1> """ product_id = to_xmlid(product_id) if product_id in self.flat_inventory.datasets: return ProductType.DATASET if product_id in self.flat_inventory.parameters: return ProductType.PARAMETER if product_id in self.flat_inventory.components: return ProductType.COMPONENT if product_id in self.flat_inventory.timetables: return ProductType.TIMETABLE if product_id in self.flat_inventory.catalogs: return ProductType.CATALOG return ProductType.UNKNOWN