Source code for speasy.core

.. testsetup:: *

   from speasy.core import *
   import numpy as np

import os
import warnings
from import Iterable
from datetime import datetime, timezone
from functools import wraps
from typing import Any, Dict, List, Sequence, Type, Union

import numpy as np
from dateutil.parser import parse
from import tqdm

AnyDateTimeType = Union[str, datetime, np.float64, float, np.datetime64]

[docs] def deprecation(message: str) -> None: """Shows a deprecation warning. Parameters ---------- message: str Custom message to show """ warnings.warn(message, DeprecationWarning, stacklevel=2)
[docs] def pack_kwargs(**kwargs: Any) -> Dict: """Packs given keyword arguments into a dictionary Parameters ---------- kwargs: Any Any keyword argument is accepted Returns ------- dict A dict with all kwargs packed Examples -------- >>> pack_kwargs(a=1, b="2") {'a': 1, 'b': '2'} """ return kwargs
[docs] def all_of_type(collection: Sequence, expected_type: Type) -> bool: """Returns true only if the type of all elements in given collection is expected_type Parameters ---------- collection: Sequence Any iterable object expected_type: Type the type you expect to match Returns ------- bool True only if the type of all elements in given collection is expected_type Examples -------- >>> all_of_type([1,2,3], int) True >>> all_of_type([1,2,3.], int) False """ return all(map(lambda x: type(x) is expected_type, collection))
[docs] def is_collection(value: Any) -> bool: """ Parameters ---------- value : Any Returns ------- bool True if given value is collection like object but not a string """ return isinstance(value, Iterable) and type(value) is not str
[docs] def mkdir(directory: str) -> None: """Creates directory and parents if they do not exist Parameters ---------- directory: str Path to create """ if not os.path.exists(directory): os.makedirs(directory)
[docs] def listify(obj: Any) -> List: """Wraps inside a list anything that is not a list. Useful in for loops when you can't be sure the object you want to iterate is a list. Parameters ---------- obj: Any Any object or list Returns ------- list list(obj) if obj is not a list Examples -------- >>> for i in listify(1): ... print(i) ... 1 >>> for i in listify([1,2,3]): ... print(i) ... 1 2 3 """ obj_t = type(obj) if obj_t is list: return obj if obj_t is tuple: return list(obj) else: return [obj]
[docs] def make_utc_datetime(input_dt: AnyDateTimeType) -> datetime: """Makes UTC datetime from given input. Parameters ---------- input_dt: str or datetime or np.float64 or float Datetime to convert, can be either en Epoch, a datetime or a string Returns ------- datetime A datetime.datetime object forced to UTC time zone Examples -------- >>> make_utc_datetime('2018-01-02') datetime.datetime(2018, 1, 2, 0, 0, tzinfo=datetime.timezone.utc) >>> make_utc_datetime(0.) datetime.datetime(1970, 1, 1, 0, 0) >>> from datetime import datetime >>> make_utc_datetime(datetime(2020,1,1)) datetime.datetime(2020, 1, 1, 0, 0, tzinfo=datetime.timezone.utc) """ if type(input_dt) in (np.float64, float): return datetime.fromtimestamp(input_dt, tz=timezone.utc) if type(input_dt) is str: input_dt = parse(input_dt) if type(input_dt) is np.datetime64: if input_dt.dtype == np.dtype('datetime64[ns]'): return datetime.fromtimestamp(input_dt.astype(np.int64) * 1e-9, tz=timezone.utc) return datetime(input_dt.year, input_dt.month,, input_dt.hour, input_dt.minute, input_dt.second, input_dt.microsecond, tzinfo=timezone.utc)
[docs] def make_utc_datetime64(input_dt: AnyDateTimeType) -> np.datetime64: """Makes UTC np.datetime64 from given input. Parameters ---------- input_dt: str or datetime or np.float64 or float Datetime to convert, can be either en Epoch, a datetime or a string Returns ------- np.datetime64 A numpy datetime64 object forced to UTC time zone Examples -------- >>> make_utc_datetime64('2018-01-02') numpy.datetime64('2018-01-02T00:00:00.000000000') >>> make_utc_datetime64(0.) numpy.datetime64('1970-01-01T00:00:00.000000000') >>> from datetime import datetime >>> make_utc_datetime64(datetime(2020,1,1)) numpy.datetime64('2020-01-01T00:00:00.000000000') """ if type(input_dt) in (np.float64, float): return np.datetime64(datetime.fromtimestamp(input_dt, tz=timezone.utc)) if type(input_dt) is str: input_dt = parse(input_dt) if type(input_dt) is np.datetime64: if input_dt.dtype == np.dtype('datetime64[ns]'): return input_dt return np.datetime64( datetime(input_dt.year, input_dt.month,, input_dt.hour, input_dt.minute, input_dt.second, input_dt.microsecond, tzinfo=timezone.utc), 'ns')
[docs] def epoch_to_datetime64(epoch_array: np.array) -> np.array: """Converts an array of floats encoded as Unix Epoch (seconds since 1970) to an array of numpy datetime64[ns] Parameters ---------- epoch_array : np.array Input array of folats (Epoch) Returns ------- np.array Output array of datetime64[ns] Examples -------- >>> epoch_to_datetime64(np.arange(2)) array(['1970-01-01T00:00:00.000000000', '1970-01-01T00:00:01.000000000'], dtype='datetime64[ns]') """ return (epoch_array * 1e9).astype("datetime64[ns]")
[docs] def datetime64_to_epoch(datetime64_array: np.array) -> np.array: """Converts an array of numpy datetime64[ns] to an array of floats encoded as Unix Epoch (seconds since 1970) Parameters ---------- datetime64_array : np.array Input array of datetime64[ns] Returns ------- np.array Output array of floats (Epoch) Examples -------- >>> datetime64_to_epoch(np.array(['1970-01-01T00:00:00.000000000', '1970-01-01T00:00:01.000000000'], ... dtype='datetime64[ns]')) array([0., 1.]) """ return (datetime64_array.astype("int64") / 1e-9).astype("float64")
[docs] class AllowedKwargs(object): """A decorator that prevent from passing unexpected kwargs to a function Methods ------- """ def __init__(self, allowed_list): self.allowed_list = set(allowed_list) def __call__(self, func): @wraps(func) def wrapped(*args, **kwargs): unexpected_args = list( filter(lambda arg_name: arg_name not in self.allowed_list, kwargs.keys())) if not unexpected_args: return func(*args, **kwargs) raise TypeError( f"Unexpected keyword argument {unexpected_args}, allowed keyword arguments are {self.allowed_list}") return wrapped
[docs] def fix_name(name: str): """Makes given input compatible with python charset Parameters ---------- name: str input string to sanitize Returns ------- str a string compatible with python naming rules Examples -------- >>> fix_name('Parker Solar Probe (PSP)') 'Parker_Solar_Probe_PSP' >>> fix_name('IS⊙ISEPI_Lo') 'ISoISEPI_Lo' >>> fix_name('all_Legal_strings_123') 'all_Legal_strings_123' """ rules = ( ('-', '_'), (':', '_'), ('.', '_'), ('(', ''), (')', ''), ('/', ''), (' ', '_'), ('{', ''), ('}', ''), ('(', ''), ('⊙', 'o'), (';', '_'), (',', '_') ) if len(name): if name[0].isnumeric(): name = "n_" + name for bad, replacement in rules: if bad in name: name = name.replace(bad, replacement) return name raise ValueError("Got empty name")
[docs] def progress_bar(leave=True, progress=False, desc=None, **kwargs): if not progress: return lambda x: x else: return lambda x: tqdm(x, leave=leave, desc=desc)