Coordinated Data Analysis Web (CDAWeb)

The Coordinated Data Analysis Web (CDAWeb) contains selected public non-solar heliophysics data from current and past heliophysics missions and projects. Many datasets from current missions are updated regularly (even daily), including reprocessing older time periods, and SPDF only preserves the latest version.

Basics: Getting data from CDA module

The easiest solution is to use your python terminal completion and browse spz.inventories.data_tree.cda to find your product. Once you have found your product, then simply ask CDA module to get data for the provided time range:

>>> import speasy as spz
>>> # Let's assume you wanted to get Solar Orbiter 'Magnetic field vector in RTN coordinates'
>>> solo_mag_rtn = spz.cda.get_data(spz.inventories.tree.cda.Solar_Orbiter.SOLO.MAG.SOLO_L2_MAG_RTN_NORMAL_1_MINUTE.B_RTN, "2021-01-01", "2021-01-02")
>>> solo_mag_rtn.columns
['B_r', 'B_t', 'B_n']
>>> solo_mag_rtn.values.shape
(1438, 3)