Direct archive access

The Direct Archive Access module in Speasy enables users to access any local or remote data archive that stores data in ISTP compliant CDF files. This module does not interact with any web service. Instead, it provides flexibility for users to configure and populate the necessary configuration files to expose the desired products.

Using this module, Speasy can seamlessly retrieve data from the specified data archive, leveraging predictable file names and paths within the archive. By adhering to the ISTP standards, Speasy ensures compatibility and smooth data access.

This module supports both regularly split files (one file per day for example) and randomly split files such as burst data.

To add your favourite products into Speasy, you need to add or edit an yaml file either located in Speasy lookup path, default user lookup path can be retrieved with spz.webservices.generic_archive.user_inventory_dir(). You need to add an entry per dataset with the following information:

  • For a regularly split dataset, you can configure it using the following YAML structure:

  inventory_path: cdpp/THEMIS/THA/L2
  split_frequency: daily
  split_rule: regular
  use_file_list: true
Here’s an explanation of the parameters::
  • tha_efi: The name you want to assign to your dataset.

  • inventory_path:: The desired inventory path for your dataset. In this example, it can be found in spz.inventories.data_tree.archive.cdpp.THEMIS.THA.L2.tha_efi.

  • master_cdf:: The URL or path to download a master CDF or any sample CDF for this dataset. Speasy requires it to complete the inventory with the dataset’s data variables. It is recommended to use master CDFs as they contain sufficient information while being smaller in size.

  • split_frequency:: The frequency at which your dataset is split. For example, if you have one file per day, month, or year. Allowed values are daily, monthly, yearly.

  • url_pattern:: The URL pattern to access each file. When requesting data within a specific interval, Speasy utilizes the split_frequency to determine the number of files to download and replaces the date/time information accordingly. It uses python {} format syntax, and available date/time placeholders are year (Y), month (M) and day (D) are available. You can also utilize Python regular expressions if you are unable to predict certain parts of the file name, such as the file version, but you have set use_file_list to true.

  • use_file_list:: If set to true, Speasy lists the files in the specified directory after generating the URL based on the url_pattern. It then selects the last matching file.

  • For a randomly split dataset, you can configure it using the following YAML structure:

    url_pattern: '{Y}/{M:02d}/mms2_fpi_brst_l2_des-moms_{Y}{M:02d}\d+_v\d+.\d+.\d+.cdf'
    use_file_list: true
    master_cdf: ""
    inventory_path: 'cda/MMS/MMS2/FPI/BURST/MOMS'
    split_rule: "random"
    split_frequency: "monthly"
    fname_regex: 'mms2_fpi_brst_l2_des-moms_(?P<start>\d+)_v(?P<version>[\d\.]+)\.cdf'
Here’s an explanation of the parameters::
  • mms2_fpi_brst_l2_des_moms: The name you want to assign to your dataset.

  • inventory_path:: The desired inventory path for your dataset. In this example, it can be found in spz.inventories.data_tree.archive.cda.MMS.MMS2.FPI.BURST.MOMS.mms2_fpi_brst_l2_des_moms.

  • master_cdf:: The URL or path to download a master CDF or any sample CDF for this dataset. Speasy requires it to complete the inventory with the dataset’s data variables. It is recommended to use master CDFs as they contain sufficient information while being smaller in size.

  • split_frequency:: The frequency at which folders are is split for this dataset. For example, if you have one folder per day, month, or year. Allowed values are daily, monthly, yearly.

  • url_pattern:: The URL pattern to access files covering the current time range. When requesting data within a specific interval, Speasy utilizes the split_frequency to determine the number of folders to scan and replaces the date/time information accordingly. It uses python {} format syntax, and available date/time placeholders are year (Y), month (M) and day (D) are available. With randomly split datasets, it is important to ensure that the URL pattern includes the fixed and deterministic parts and rely on the fname_regex field to match files that cover the requested time range.

  • use_file_list:: If set to true, Speasy lists the files in the specified directory after generating the URL based on the url_pattern. It then selects the last matching file.

  • fname_regex: This regular expression is used to extract information such as the start date, stop date, and file version from the file names. It follows Python’s regular expression syntax and captures specific groups. The expected or supported groups are:
    • start: Start date, it should be parsable by dateutil.parser.parse (mandatory)

    • stop: Stop date, same as start date (optional)

    • version: Dataset version (optional)